Automation + iCIMS? Yes, please.

Our connectors give you the power and flexibility to layer in Automations on top of your iCIMS platform. Automations, big and small, give your team time back to focus on their most impactful work. 

Change a status, update a field, trigger a text message, assign a task, submit an applicant to a job, update an iForm, create a job, post a job. These are all actions you can automate through harmonizeHR.

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How Do Automations Work?

  • Trigger Automation
    Triggers initiate the Automation when a step occurs in iCIMS. Triggers can be updating a workflow status, an application being completed, an offer being accepted, and so many more.
  • Refine the Automation
    Refine The Automation by only actioning profiles that meet certain criteria or take different actions depending on the data.
  • Action the Automation
    The Action is the manual step your team takes today. Actions can be changing a workflow status, updating fields of a job or person, assigning tasks, etc.

Examples of Automating in iCIMS

  • During onboarding, automatically assign tasks based on criteria such as the new hire's state and the division they are being hired into.
  • Automatically update an applicant's workflow status based on information on their profile and the job they applied to.
  • Automate the steps to complete onboarding: creating the onboarding workflow profile, assigning the tasks, emailing/texting the new hire, and updating the person profile.
  • After a person completes their onboarding tasks, automatically change their recruiting workflow status to trigger the HRIS/Payroll integration.
  • Automatically progress a candidate further in the process after their background check results are returned.

What Can You Do With 1,000 More Hours This Year?

Once you see how a single Automation functions, you will realize the options are truly endless. 

The three examples below highlight key customer outcomes after adding Automation into their process.

  • 50,000 tasks created

    A company is utilizing harmonizeHR to determine which tasks should be assigned to their new hires during onboarding. The best part is, harmonizeHR assigns the tasks too. 

  • 700 hours saved per year

    A single automation includes the creation of a job, submitting a person to the job, and moving data from an iForm into the application profile all triggered by an iForm being approved.

  • 30,000+ Onboarded

    The steps of assigning the new hire tasks, updating the new hire's profile, creating the onboarding workflow profile, and email/texting the new hire welcoming them to the company are automated.

Why Should I Add Automation?

Work Faster, Not Harder
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With whole or parts of your process automated, your speed to filling a job or onboarding a new hire becomes faster & more efficient.

Consistency is Key
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You can rest easy (literally) knowing your automations are completing on time, every time. 

Strong Data Quality
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Let's face it, we all make mistakes. Fortunately, those mistakes are eliminated when you're automating your tasks through harmonizeHR.

When asked what resources recruiters need, 51% responded with better tools to automate processes (Aptitude Research

Let's face it, neither you nor your team enjoy spending their time on the manual and administrative tasks in your HR tech systems. The harmonizeHR platform allows you to automate tasks within a single system or automate tasks across one or more of your HR systems. You are creating a competitive advantage by automating your team's tactical activities, and giving them time back in their day to focus on their more strategic work.